Get WiFi is a small Preact website that generates QR codes to connect to WiFi in the browser. It is currently hosted at
Unlike some similar websites, the QR codes are entirely generated in the browser.
Primarily the website was intended as a learning experience. Not only for building certain features and to become familiar with some npm
packages, but also to keep bundle sizes as small as possible.
- In-browser WiFi QR code generation
- Dark mode (including toggling)
- Translations available for 20 of the most common languages
- Download to SVG or PNG
- One-click printing for the QR code
Currently the feature set is stable and there is no intention to add any features.
The site is maintained and developed on GitHub
Tools and Libraries
This application was primarily built using the following:
The choice of many of these libraries was to minimise the bundle size as much as possible.
Additionally the application is pre-rendered for fast initial page loads.