
This documentation may lag behind the latest version, use the documentation provided with the package for up to date information.

The function grid.hyperlink() enables the use of hyperlinks within an SVG image. By clicking an SVG element that contains a hyperlink, one can visit another web page. This can be useful to link elements within an SVG image to associated data sets and resources.

The usage of the function is defined as follows:

grid.hyperlink(path, href, show = NULL, group = TRUE)

The necessary parameters to grid.hyperlink() are simply the grid path of the graphics object (usually just the name of the object is sufficient) and the URL that the object is going to link to. The show argument allows a link to open in a new browser window or tab, by setting it to "new". Setting show to "replace" will ensure that the link opens in the same browser window or tab. The group argument allows sub-grobs to given the same hyperlink when TRUE or optionally a different hyperlink when FALSE.

An example of how this function is used is shown below:

> # Loading grid and gridSVG
> library(grid)
> library(gridSVG)
> grid.text("SJP", name = "labeltext",
+           gp = gpar(fontsize = 144, col = "lightblue"))
> grid.hyperlink("labeltext", "", show = "new")
> # Drawing to SVG
> grid.export("example.svg")

Here we are drawing a text label. Upon clicking this label our browser will load the address

The image produced by the example code is shown below: