Is My ID Leaky?

Is my ID Leaky? is a simple Preact website that detects whether an identifier could reveal more information than intended. The site is currently hosted at

It is currently capable of detecting common integer identifiers, ULIDs and v7 UUIDs.

To summarise, the aforementioned identifiers reveal either when an identifier was created (in the case of ULIDs and v7 UUIDs), or quite likely how many of a given entity are present in an application. Ideally, for publicly visible identifiers, a random identifier is used (e.g. v4 UUID) or a named identifier that is not secret (e.g. GitHub usernames). Neither approaches reveal information from the system in which it runs.


  • Dark mode (including toggling)
  • ULID identifiers detected and parsed
  • v7 UUID identifiers similarly
  • Auto-incrementing integers also handled

For ULID and v7 UUID identifiers, the creation date of the identifier is revealed in both UTC and the user’s local time.


Currently the feature set is stable. However, if there are further commonly used identifiers that can be detected, support for those can be added.

The site is maintained and developed on GitHub

Tools and Libraries

This application was primarily built using the following:

The choice of many of these libraries was to minimise the bundle size as much as possible.

Additionally the application is pre-rendered for fast initial page loads.